Inclusionary Leadership ...

The staff of The Palmer Group has combined its extensive expertise in the areas of leadership development and diversity training to design a new leadership diversity model. Its focus is on developing leaders capable of mobilizing and leading the workforce of tomorrow. The result: An innovative program called: Inclusionary Leadership: Beyond the Diversity Dance.

This leadership development service can be delivered as a stand-alone or be incorporated into existing programs. It is not about championing a diversity initiative. It is about understanding and implementing the leadership principles and practices necessary to lead a diverse workforce. It focuses on developing traditional and non-traditional leaders simultaneously. It stresses the development of practical leadership strategies derived from such concepts/practices as emotional intelligence, understanding relationships in their proper context, and overcoming barriers to effectively reaching out to others. It is based on sound leadership principles that tap an organization’s strengths and productivity. Given that even the most leadership-savvy organizations have expressed the need for such a service, Inclusionary Leadership: Beyond the Diversity Dance could find itself at the center of many leadership development programs of the future.